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Director of the Cognitive Modeling Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology |
Yurii Sydoryk, Ph.D. in Psychology, Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Director of the Cognitive Modeling Laboratory http://cml.pnu.edu.ua
- 1987-1991 – Ivano-Frankivsk Basic Medical College, Qualification: Paramedic
- 1993-1998 – Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Specialty: Psychology, Qualification: Psychologist, Lecturer
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Specialty 19.00.07 – Educational and Developmental Psychology;
Research Interests: Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Experimental Psychology, Innovative Methods of Psychodiagnostics, Data Science
Non-formal Education:
- Systemic Family Therapy, 2000-2004 (Ukrainian Psychotherapy Association);
- EMDR and Trauma Therapy for Simple and Complex Forms of PTSD, 2013-2015 (Instructors/Supervisors: Austrian and German EMDR Association Mag. Eva Munker-Kramer, Dr. Sylvia Wintersberger).
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, 2015 (Instructors: Kristina Suravi and Tim Sweeney, Oxford Mindfulness Center).
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 2014-2017 (Ukrainian Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 2015-2017 (Ukrainian Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy)
- Emotionally Focused Therapy, 2018-2020 (Instructor: Zoya Simahodska, New York, USA)
- Motivational Interviewing, 2020 (Instructor: Anna Pejkhalska, Poza Schematami)
- Doctoral Studies in Educational and Developmental Psychology, Specialty 19.00.07 (2012-2015).
- Internship (Professional Development) at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University from November 16, 2020, to December 31, 2020, without interruption of educational processes at the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, and Medical Psychology. Internship topic: “Differential Diagnosis of Mental Disorders and Peculiarities of Providing Psychological Assistance in a Psychiatric Ward for Patients of Different Age Groups.” Order No. 687 from 19.11.2020.
- Сидорик Ю.Р. Проблеми сімейних взаємин як можливі причини вживання наркотичних речовин і скоєння суїциду / Ю.Р. Сидорик //Актуальні проблеми психології. Том 3.: Консультативна психологія і психотерапія: Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології ім.. Г.С.Костюка АПН України / За ред. С.Д. Максименка, З.Г. Кісарчук – К.: Міленіум, 2003. – Вип. 2. – С. 221–226. – ФАХОВЕ ВИДАННЯ.
- Сидорик Ю.Р. Особливості життєвих перспектив особистості студентів з хронічними захворюваннями, які потребують допомоги батьків / Ю.Р. Сидорик // Наукові записки Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка АПН України / За ред. академіка С.Д. Максименка. – К.: Міленіум, 2006. – Вип. 27. – С. 527–535. – ФАХОВЕ ВИДАННЯ.
- Сидорик Ю.Р. Взаємини батьків і дітей в контексті актуальних конструктів студентства та основних положень системної психотерапії / Ю.Р. Сидорик // Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. Серія №12. Психологічні науки: Зб. наукових праць. – К.: НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова, 2006. – №15 (39). – С. 59–64. – ФАХОВЕ ВИДАННЯ.
- Сидорик Ю.Р. Особливості життєвих перспектив у студентів із різним типом взаємин із своїми батьками / Ю.Р. Сидорик // Збірник наукових праць: філософія, соціологія, психологія. – Івано-Франківськ, ВДВ ЦІТ, 2007. – Вип. 12. – Ч. 2. – С. 203–212. – ФАХОВЕ ВИДАННЯ.
- Сидорик Ю. Психологічні особливості становлення життєвих перспектив особистості в юнацькому віці та в період ранньої дорослості / Ю.Р. Сидорик // Проблеми гуманітарних наук: Наукові записки Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка / Ред. кол. Т. Біленко (головний редактор), Н. Скотна, В. Татенко та ін. – Дрогобич: Редакційно-видавничий відділ ДДПУ імені Івана Франка, 2007. – Випуск дев’ятнадцятий. Психологія. – С. 45–55. – ФАХОВЕ ВИДАННЯ.
- Sydoryk Y., Hryhoruk I., Kogutiak N., Mytsko V. Features of social network in students with different levels of subjective welfare // Happiness And Contemporary Society : Conference Proceedings Volume (Lviv, March, 20-21, 2020). Lviv: SPOLOM, 2020. P. 251-254.
- Когутяк Н.М., Сидорик Ю.Р. Особливості взаємин у найближчому соціальному оточенні матерів дітей з розладами спектру аутизму // Матеріалах наук.-прак. конф. “Людина з обмеженими можливостями: соціально-психологічний та культурний виміри”, 28-29 січня 2014 р.,Львів, С. 94-102.
- Sydoryk Y. Social network of the Ukrainian teenagers whose parents are long time abroad / Y. Sydoryk, N. Kogutiak // November issue of the “IntellectualArchive” journal (ISSN 1929-1329, Canada), p. 39-43
- Сидорик Ю.Р. Порівняльний аналіз змісту поняття «соціально-психологічна адаптація» у дисертаційних дослідженнях із спеціальності 19.00.05 в Україні / Ю.Р. Сидорик //Матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Світоглядні орієнтації особистості у сучасних соціокультурних умовах: міждисциплінарні аспекти» (2-3 жовтня 2015 р., м. Полтава). – 247 с., С. 209–212.
- Сидорик Ю.Р. Сезонні та інформаційні фактори пошуку психотерапевтичної допомоги / Ю.Р. Сидорик // 5 Українська науково-практична конференція з КПТ “КПТ у клінічній практиці”, 1-2 червня 2018: збірка наукових статей / [Українська асоціація когнітивно-поведінкової терапії]. – Львів, 2018. С. 121–127.
- Сидорик Юрій, Когутяк Надія, Мицько Володимир. Машинне навчання та використання моделей психічної діяльності /Ю.Р.Сидорик, Н.М.Когутяк, В.М.Мицько // Свідомість, мозок, мова: актуальні проблеми та міждисциплінарні досягнення: збірник матеріалів міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Львів, 19-20 квітня 2018 р.). – Львів, 2018. – 232 с.
- Sydoryk Y., Hryhoruk I., Kogutiak N., Mytsko V. Features of social network in students with different levels of subjective welfare // Happiness And Contemporary Society : Conference Proceedings Volume (Lviv, March, 20-21, 2020). Lviv: SPOLOM, 2020. P. 251-254.
- Scientific Conference «NOWE IDEE W PSYCHOLOGII SPOŁECZNEJ» at the School of Social Psychology (Wrocław, April 9-10, 2014)
- Presentation at the Third Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (July 17-19, 2015, Grand Hotel “Pylypets”, Mizhhirya District, Zakarpattia Region, village Pylypets) with the topic: “Behavioral Disorders and Their Phylogenetic Correlates”;
- Presentation at the Annual Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Philosophy with the report topic «Psychosocial Factors of Depressive Disorders» (2015).
- The Fifth All-Ukrainian Scientific Seminar «Methodological Problems of Personality Psychology» (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 2015) with the topic “Biological Factors of Depressive Disorders”.
- All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation «Worldview Orientations of Personality in Modern Socio-Cultural Conditions: Interdisciplinary Aspects» – Poltava, 2015. Topic of the presentation: “Comparative Analysis of the Concept ‘Social-Psychological Adaptation’ in Dissertation Research in Specialty 19.00.05 in Ukraine”.
- Presentation at the Fourth Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy «Creating a CBT Community» (Lviv, June 9-10, 2017) with the topic: “Seasonal and Informational Factors in Seeking Psychotherapeutic Help”;
- The Seventh All-Ukrainian Scientific Seminar «Methodological Problems of Personality Psychology» (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 28-29, 2017) with the presentation topic “Predictive Models of Psychosocial Factors of Depressive Disorders”.
- International Scientific-Practical Conference «Consciousness, Brain, Language: Current Issues and Interdisciplinary Achievements» (Lviv, April 19-20, 2018) with the presentation topic: “Machine Learning and Use of Models of Mental Activity”.
- Scientific-Methodological Seminar «New Ukrainian School and the System of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education» (Ivano-Frankivsk, April 17-26, 2018). Presentation topic: “Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents” (April 23, 2018).
- Scientific Report with Published Materials at the 5th Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy «CBT in Clinical Practice» (June 1-2, 2018).
- Training Seminar «Scientific Research in the Field of Mental Health Protection» (June 22-23, 2018).
- All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation «Professional Training of Specialists in the Context of New Educational Realities» (Ivano-Frankivsk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, October 11-12, 2018).
- All-Ukrainian Scientific-Methodological Seminar “New Ukrainian School: Collaboration between Secondary and Higher Education Institutions as a Basis for Improving Teacher Training Quality» (Ivano-Frankivsk-Burshtyn, April 8-10, 2019). Presentation topic: “Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents”
- The 6th Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy «CBT Across Life Stages» (Lviv, June 7-8, 2019). Presentation topic: «Dynamics of Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents in Ukraine and Abroad».
- Scientific Report with Published Materials “Features of Social Network in Students with Different Levels of Subjective Welfare” at the First International Scientific Conference “Happiness and Modern Society” (Lviv, Ukraine, October 30-31 (March 20-21, 2020))
Organization of International Educational, Scientific, and Outreach Events:
- Organization and conducting of the Round Table «Management of the Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: U.S. Experience for Ukraine» (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 14, 2017) with the participation of child psychiatrists, MDs Linda Schmidt and Robert Nickel (USA).
- Organization and conducting of a series of training seminars «Primary and Secondary Care for Autism» (Ivano-Frankivsk, October 4-6, 2018) with the participation of child psychiatrists, MDs, clinical psychologists Linda Schmidt, Robert Nickel, Allison Wainer, Emi Svensson (USA).
- Organization and conducting of a series of training seminars «Early Psychological Help for Children with Autism» (Ivano-Frankivsk, June 16 – July 3, 2019) as part of the Fulbright Specialist Program, seminar speaker – PhD in Clinical Psychology – Allison Wainer (USA)
- Organization and conducting of a series of training seminars «Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: U.S. Experience for Ukraine» (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 26-28, 2019) with the participation of child psychiatrists, MDs, clinical psychologists Linda Schmidt, Robert Nickel, Hannah Sanford-Keller, Tatiana Terdal (USA).
- Organization and hosting of an English-language teleconference between students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and RUSH University of Chicago. Date and time: February 2020, 20:00-21:30. Venue: PNU Ecosystem Innovative Educational Technology Center, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2325051014460512&id=1809796045986014&__xts__[0]=68.ARBBpFHhHhSGb255W764qU2noseXa6KMxfchh3k1nnFqg3MQQW9ZCvNUTcpLmdIcD4HVXPHNd29TevlcQZaBMuOMwcsHwaJBLpVx_eITxUMdPkOQOUtblRw-uFAK1G-0qTt-NL95tQ__4oNjS_eQY3jXOZianqOZ-VPMW1VFHHRP_34W_xliJQ33XuNvs4PCiEMccCkx5GQ6UehPMLl7uEKpC4N23tlG1sjeYQJ-ku4VuI_dTUrfWLowN9cr2OVrcy6PCeurXacLDMlnf1asQTAGOo6fnGGvX12QGrxv6hPvJWB2Go5fR8Bz29c0iYJrLZ6h8RMt3k7QMxQx-h5akIHQUnJY&__tn__=-R
Participation in International Projects:
- Organization of the training «Trainers for Trainers of Children with Autism» in collaboration with OHSU (Oregon Health & Science University) and RUSH-University (Schmidt L,* Nickel R,* Wainer A,* Romanchuk O, Brzhezytska V, Kogutiak N., Mytsko V., Sydoryk Y. Community-based participatory research and training on the identification and treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other mental health challenges)
- Co-organizer of the Host Institution Project of the Fulbright Specialist Program (June 16 – July 3, 2019)
- Project “Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: U.S. Experience for Ukraine” (from September 28 to October 7, 2020, in online format) with the support of the Swiss Embassy as part of the MH4U project and in collaboration with the Family Health and Development Center “Kolo Sim’yi”, the Personality Development Center “Life Skills”, and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
- Project ECHO “Autism and Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents” (USA-Ukraine) Project ECHO (in collaboration with the University of New Mexico’s Health Science Center).
Organization of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference, Round Tables:
- Organization and holding of the Online Forum “Psychology of Happy Childhood” on the International Children’s Day. Date and time: June 1, 2020, from 15:00 to 18:30. Location: online event, remote communication system ZOOM. https://www.facebook.com/mytskovm/posts/1513676302127533
- Organization and holding of the seminar-practice “Speech Therapy and Child Psychology at Prykarpattia National University: Advantages, Perspectives, Employment” Date of the event: May 2020. https://kpoit.pnu.edu.ua/2020/05/07/онлайн-семінар-логопедія-і-дитяча-пси/
- Co-organizer of the project “Psychological Film Club”.
Membership in Professional Public Organizations:
– NGO “Center for Mental Health and Rehabilitation – Sofia”;
– Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists (since 2015);
– EMDR Association in Ukraine – a professional association for special trauma therapy (since 2013);
– Ukrainian Association for Emotionally Focused Therapy (since 2020);
– Director of the Laboratory of Cognitive Modeling at Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk.
Professional Development, Informal Education, Participation in Webinars Confirmed by Certificate:
- Seminar “Stabilization and Activation of Resources in EMDR” (2013)
- Seminar “Basics of Psychotraumatology and Trauma Therapy” (2013)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “When Horrible Events Happen in the Lives of Children: Principles of First Psychological Aid to Children and Adolescents Who Have Experienced a Psychotraumatizing Event” (2014)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Psychological Aid in Acute Trauma” (2014)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “A-B-C Psychological Aid for Victims in Combat Zones and Their Relatives” (2014)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Modern Approaches to Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” (2014)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Introduction to the Protection of Children’s and Adolescents’ Mental Health. Science and Art of Examination” (2014)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Mindfulness-Oriented Cognitive Therapy” (2014). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 40.
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Introduction to CBT. Examination and Formulation in CBT” (2014). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Basic Skills and Techniques of CBT” (2014). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents” (2014). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: Basics of Diagnosis and Therapy” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Parenting Competence Training” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Cognitive Techniques in CBT for Children and Adolescents” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Working with Schemas and Life Rules in CBT” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Typical Difficulties and Mistakes in the Application of EMDR. Working Model with Complicated Loss Reactions” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “EMDR Advanced Seminar” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Schema Therapy for Couples” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for PTSD. CBT for Complicated Loss Reactions” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for Children with Selective Mutism” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for Elimination Disorders” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Introductory Course to the Video Interactive Training Method” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Behavioral Therapy for Behavioral Disorders” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Schema Therapy” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & International Society of Schema Therapy. Schema Therapy Training Program. Accredited by the International Society of Schema Therapy. 40 hours Schema Therapy training module. 2015.
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Introduction to CBT for Anxiety Disorders. CBT for Simple Phobias and Panic Disorder” (2015). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for Eating Disorders” (2016). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for Suicidality and Self-Harm” (2016). Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “Methods of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)” (2016); Total hours of theory and development of practical skills – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training Seminar “CBT for Generalized Anxiety Disorder” (2016)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Obsessive Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Modern Approaches in the USA to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care” (2016)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Anger Regulation Disorders and Social Phobia” (2016)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Working with Complex Forms of PTSD: Typical Difficulties and Strategies for Overcoming Them in TF-CBT” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT with Individuals with Somatic Disorders and Chronic Pain Syndrome” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Schema Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and Their Families” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Sleep Disorders in Children. CBT with Children with Special Needs and Their Families. CBT with Children with Speech and Language Development Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Substance Use Disorders. CBT for Gaming Disorder. CBT+” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Using the Mindfulness Approach and Focusing in Psychotherapeutic Practice Oriented Towards Building Relationships and Regulating Emotions” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” (2017)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Autism Spectrum Disorders: Modern Approaches to Diagnosis and Therapy” (Lviv, September 11-13, 2017). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Psychotic Disorders and CBT for Bipolar Disorder” (2018)
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Neurobiology of Psychiatry” (2018). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Early Intervention Skills. Autism Diagnostic Screening Method STAT. Introduction to Therapy through Reciprocal Imitation RIT” (2018). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Research in the Field of Mental Health” (2018). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 19 (10+9).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “Basic Training in Emotionally Focused Therapy” (2018). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 19 (10+9).
- EMDR Association Ukraine. Training seminar: “Declination and Opportunities in the Use of EMDR in Emergency and Group Context: Maxi-Emergencies Applications and Communication of Bad News” (April 12-13, 2019). Total hours – 16.
- The Fourth Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy “Creating the CBT Community” (Lviv, June 9-10, 2017). Certificate. Total training hours – 20.
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Supervisions Using the Method of ‘Reciprocal Imitation Training'” (Ivano-Frankivsk, June 17-18, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 16 (12+4).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Psychodiagnostic Method for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders ‘Unstructured Imitation Assessment'” (Ivano-Frankivsk, June 19, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 8 (6+2).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Development of Social Initiative and Expressive Communication” (Ivano-Frankivsk, June 20, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 8 (6+2).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Training on Play Development Strategies” (Ivano-Frankivsk, June 20, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 5 (4+1).
- Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Certificate. Training seminar “CBT for Panic Disorder, Health Anxiety Disorder, in Somatic Disorders and Chronic Pain” (Lviv, September 5-7, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 19 (10+9).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Evidence-Based Methods for Diagnosing and Treating Oppositional Defiant Disorder” (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 26-27, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 16 (12+4).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Early Diagnosis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders” (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 26, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 8 (6+2).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Development of Speech Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 27-28, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 8 (6+2).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Features of Adolescent Maturation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. High-Functioning Autism” (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 27-28, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 16 (12+4).
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Methods for Diagnosing Autism: DSM-V, CARS-2, STAT Supervisions” (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 27, 2019). Total hours of practical skill development – 2.
- Research Center for Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Scientific Park “Prykarpattya University”. Certificate. Training seminar “Psychology of Transgender Individuals: Evidence-Based Approaches to Providing Assistance” (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 28, 2019). Total hours of theory and practical skill development – 5 (4+1).
- Poza Schematami. Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Presenter: Mgr. Anna Tsviklinska. Lviv. December 7-8, 2019.
- Poza Schematami. Conceptualization in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. Instructor: MD, PhD Artur Kolakowski. Lviv. May 21-22, 2019.
- Poza Schematami. Friendly Behavioral Therapy for Children under 12 Years Old. Presenter: Mgr. Marta Yezhak. Lviv. March 9-10, 2019.
- As part of the Project ECHO project (in collaboration with the University of New Mexico’s Health Science Center) the first introductory training “ECHO Introduction” – May 12, 2020.
- Anorexia and Bulimia. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders. (June 25-26, 2020). – 20 hours. Instructor: Katarzyna Smulska-Linka.
- Symposium 01. Antiepileptic and Antipsychotic Drugs in Pediatric Practice. Online training cycle: Innovations in Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology. June 11, 2020. As a listener, received 2 points according to the criteria for the continuous professional development points calculation as per the Order of the Certification of Physicians approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on February 22, 2019, No. 446.
- Anxiety as a Phenomenon and as a Mental Disorder. What’s New? – training seminar with test tasks based on training materials on the “Hippocrates” platform, Ministry of Health of Ukraine. June 20, 2020. Certificate 0011916.
- Schizophrenia Breaks Lives. It Can Be Changed. – training seminar with test assignments based on training materials on the “Hippocrates” platform, Ministry of Health of Ukraine. May 19, 2020. Certificate 0008188.
- The International Centre of Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Certificate of successful completion of the Advanced Course in Emotionally Focused Therapy on 1-3.07.2019, 29-30.06 and 3-4.07.2020. Lviv, Ukraine.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Personality Disorders by A. Freeman. Certificate of training completion (May 30-31, 2020, 20 hours). Instructor: Anna Tsviklinska.
- Changes in Financing in the Psychiatric Service of Ukraine: From Concept to Threat of System Collapse. Participant certificate №8497655. June 2, 2020. As a listener, received 1 point according to the continuous professional development criteria according to the Order of Certification of Physicians approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on February 22, 2019, №446.
- Poza Schematami. Motivational Interviewing – Advanced Course. Instructor: Anna Pezkhalska. October 10-11, 2020, November 14-15, 2020, December 19-20, 2020.
- Poza Schematami. Anorexia and Bulimia. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders, July 25-25, 2020, 20 didactic hours (instructor: Katarzyna Smulska-Linka, Poza Schematami).
- Pharmacotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, December 16, 2020 (certificate №4324984, NGO “Ukrainian Association of Neuropsychopharmacology”).
- Poza Schematami. Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents. Introduction. Conceptualization in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Instructor: MD, PhD Artur Kolakowski. January 16-17, 2021.
- Schizophrenia Breaks Lives. It Can Be Changed. – training seminar with test assignments based on training materials on the “Hippocrates” platform, Ministry of Health of Ukraine. May 19, 2020. Certificate 0008188.
- The International Centre of Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Certificate of successful completion of the Advanced Course in Emotionally Focused Therapy on 1-3.07.2019, 29-30.06 and 3-4.07.2020. Lviv, Ukraine.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Personality Disorders by A. Freeman. Certificate of training completion (May 30-31, 2020, 20 hours). Instructor: Anna Tsviklinska.
- Changes in Financing in the Psychiatric Service of Ukraine: From Concept to Threat of System Collapse. Participant certificate №8497655. June 2, 2020. As a listener, received 1 point according to the continuous professional development criteria according to the Order of Certification of Physicians approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on February 22, 2019, №446.
- Poza Schematami. Motivational Interviewing – Advanced Course. Instructor: Anna Pezkhalska. October 10-11, 2020, November 14-15, 2020, December 19-20, 2020.
- Poza Schematami. Anorexia and Bulimia. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders, July 25-25, 2020, 20 didactic hours (instructor: Katarzyna Smulska-Linka, Poza Schematami).
- Pharmacotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, December 16, 2020 (certificate №4324984, NGO “Ukrainian Association of Neuropsychopharmacology”).
- Poza Schematami. Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents. Introduction. Conceptualization in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Instructor: MD, PhD Artur Kolakowski. January 16-17, 2021.
Practical Work Experience in the Field:
– private psychotherapeutic practice (since 2000)
– psychologist at the regional narcological dispensary (1998-2000)
– psychologist at the regional psychoneurological hospital №3 (2005-2019)